Take a look for yourself to see the Promised Information that is not available, and supposedly came with the RenegadeSystem.com Package. Over Promise and Under Deliver.
Is that why it was 1/2 price initially? Maybe 1/3 of the price is more appropriate.
The first 2 listed out of the 6 features promised and advertised are actually available in the Support Center SupportSuite (#'s 3, 4, 5, & 6 are not!):
1 - Register - Register a new account to submit new Tickets or manage subscriptions.
2 - Submit a Ticket – Select a Department
* 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing Support
* The Renegade Network Marketer Support
3 - Knowledgebase - View categorized listing of all common frequently asked questions.
4 - Troubleshooter - Take a step-by-step tour to find the solution to all your issues.
5 - News - View latest company news and announcements.
6 - Downloads - View our categorized library of downloads for all necessary manuals, software, etc.
Here are some things that are not quite what subscribers had bargained or paid for…
** What is the average order size and conversion rate?
-- "Solution"
** No "Solution" Available
** What if I forget or lose my login name and/or password?
-- "Solution"
** No "Solution" Available
Back office: "Troubleshooter Categories"
Troubleshooters allow you to follow a series of questions to find a specific answer. Please choose the category that is related to your area of interest in order to learn how to fix specific problems, perform important procedures, and read useful overviews.
** No "Troubleshooter Categories" available or offered at this time
Back office: "News"
Listed below are the latest News Items and Announcements from our Company. You can filter
the News Items according to a certain Dateline by selecting the Filter option from the
Navigation Bar.
** No "News" available or published at this time
Back office: "Download Categories"
The "Downloads Library" is organized into different categories. Please select a category that you are interested in. Additionally, you can also search the entire Downloads Library by entering keywords in the navigation bar beside this text.
** No "Download Categories" available or offered at this time
Back office: "Quick Start" Guide
Step 1 -- What you "see"
First things first, if you haven't already done so, you can create your free affiliate account by clicking on the My Account button.
This will generate your individual affiliate urls that you can direct your prospects to.
This also allows you to participate in the unique back end commission structure of The
Renegade System where you can earn money anytime one of your prospects purchase one of the recommended resources.
Once you've created your account, you can go back and edit your info anytime you like.
Step 1 -- What you "get" (Step 1 Works like a charm [for the Renegade AKA Ann Sieg] - You "get charged")
$$ Renegade Affiliate Signup Form $$ Ching Ching!
Just fill out the form below and your account will instantly be setup with your customized urls, emails and ebooks!
Make sure everything is correct because this is how you'll receive notification about prospects and sales, and it's also the information that will appear on your commission checks.
Once your account is created, you will also be able to upload your affiliate urls for all
back end resources. Note: Failure to fill in any of the data properly may result in the non replaceable loss of affiliate payments.
Step 2 -- What you "see"
After you've done that, you'll want to visit the "Marketing Tools pages." There is a separate page for both The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing ebook and The Renegade Network Marketer ebook.
In these pages you'll find a whole collection of professionally written pre-made ads that are all ready for you to use. After you create your account, your affiliate urls will automatically be embedded in them. You'll also find out how to use these ads with both free and paid traffic generation techniques.
Remember, all you have to do to make a sale or generate a lead is get someone to your landing pages. The system does the rest. Once they visit your website they're "tagged" to you so that even if they come back a year later and purchase, you get the commission.
Step 2 -- What you "get"
Marketing ToolsUnder Construction
Actually, this is a 404 not found error, which means something is missing from the site, but
because this site is so new, it's most likely that you tried to access something that doesn't exist yet. It's coming though, so don't worry!
Step 3 -- What you "see"
Head over to the "Training & Resources section." This area of The Renegade System is absolutely jam-packed with tips, techniques and little-known tricks of the trade that will be of enormous value to you as you go about building your business. Make sure to take advantage of everything back there because many people will charge you for this type of information.
Let me just give you a couple quick pointers right now to help you get the most of your efforts:
Before you begin to seriously ramp up your traffic generation, I strongly recommend becoming grounded in copywriting first. You don't have to master it, just get a basic understanding of how to use words that sell. Every method of advertising hinges on this ability. If you're out there snatching up every traffic generation product in sight but you haven't yet learned how to persuade people to take action, you're missing the foundational cornerstone that makes it all work.
Do not even think about doing ANY traffic generation until you've learned how to track the performance of all your individual ads. Please, I'm begging you. Save your money if you're not going to do this (the vast majority of affiliates don't). Click on the Tracking section to learn more.
Step 3 -- What you "get"
Training and Resources Under Construction
Actually, this is a 404 not found error, which means something is missing from the site, but
because this site is so new, it's most likely that you tried to access something that
doesn't exist yet. It's coming though, so don't worry!
Under Step 3 -- What you "get" (That you hadn’t planned on!)
You get at least 7 more affiliate links including at least 3 of them that cost you money. And of course a couple of Ann’s http://www.amazon.com/ suggested books that pay her an affiliate commission too if you buy from her store.
Step 4 -- What you "see"
Begin uploading your affiliate urls for the different resources that are in The Renegade System. Take care of any two tiered programs first as they are the most important.
You won't be able to access this feature until you've created your account. (That means
Step 4 -- What you "get"
You’re looking at it. Nothing not even a link!
Step 5 -- What you "see"
Check out the "Reports section."
This is where you can view all your prospect's contact info, how many sales you've earned, what commissions are pending, how many sub-affiliates you have, etc.
This section also isn't available unless you've created an account. (That means PAID!)
Step 5 -- What you "get"
Reports Section Under Construction
Actually, this is a 404 not found error, which means something is missing from the site, but because this site is so new, it's most likely that you tried to access something that doesn't exist yet. It's coming though, so don't worry!
Step 6 -- What you "see"
If you ever need to re-download your ebooks or your free bonuses, just visit the bonuses/Ebooks page.
Step 6 -- What you "get"
Ebooks And Free Bonuses You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these ebooks. If you don't have Adobe Reader, click the link below to get it free:Get Adobe Acrobat Reader FREE
To save any of these files to your computer just right-click and click "save target as..."
The Renegade Network MarketerClick here to download the ebook
The 7 Great Lies of Network MarketingClick here to download the ebook
Free Bonus #1 - The Renegade Network Marketer AudiosClick here to listen to part 1 (Intro)
Click here to listen to part 2 (Chapter 1)
Click here to listen to part 3 (Chapter 2)
Click here to listen to part 4 (Chapter 3)
Click here to listen to part 5 (Chapter 4)
Click here to listen to part 6 (Chapter 5)
Click here to listen to part 7 (Chapter 6)
Click here to listen to part 8 (Chapter 7)
Click here to listen to part 9 (Chapter 8)
Click here to listen to part 10 (Chapter 9)
Having Trouble hearing the audios? Get Itunes here then download a 'podcast' here
Free Bonus #2 - "Selling Without Being A Salesperson - The Surprising Keys To Fearless
Comfort On The Phone"Click to Listen Online Using Adobe Flash Click to Download The Mp3 Using Your Preferred Method
Free Bonus #3 - The Virology ReportClick here to download the report
Free Bonus #4 - The Renegade System
You're in it!
Step 7 -- What you "see"
If you have any questions or need assistance, just click on the Help button above. This will
take you to The Renegade support suite. Please check the FAQs (frequently asked questions)
and knowledgebase before submitting a request for support as 99% of the answers have already been posted and can be found in there.
Doing this just helps our team provide you with a higher level of service as well as a system that is continually improving!
Speaking of, if you have any suggestions or thoughts about anything please let us know by using the form at the bottom of this page. We would love to hear your ideas. It's very important to us that we're constantly receiving feedback from people so that we're able to address their concerns and help them where they need it most.
Do you have any burning questions about how to build your business that need answering? Any
topics that you would specifically like to see addressed in The Renegade Newsletter or added
to the back end? Just use the form below to submit them.
Step 7 -- What you "get"
A “Help” Page that takes you to the Support Center SupportSuite (RED points below - not available - But Don't Worry!):
1. Register - Register a new account to submit new Tickets or manage subscriptions.
2. Submit a Ticket – Select a Department• 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing Support• The Renegade Network Marketer Support
3. Knowledgebase - View categorized listing of all common frequently asked questions.
4. Troubleshooter - Take a step-by-step tour to find the solution to all your issues.
5. News - View latest company news and announcements.
6. Downloads - View our categorized library of downloads for all necessary manuals,
software, etc.
Step 8 -- What you "see"
Last but certainly not least, I do need to mention our spam policy.
You can only use email marketing if it is to an opt in list or customer list that you yourself have built from scratch and already have an existing relationship with.
You cannot email your Renegade urls to genealogy lists, opportunity leads, co-registration leads, safe lists or any other type of purchased email lead.
If you violate these rules, we won't have any choice but to immediately terminate your account and forfeit any pending commissions you may have.
It's unfortunate that things have to be this way and we don't like having to come across
this harsh, but just one or two people practicing illegitimate email marketing methods can
jeopardize the entire system for everyone. So we're forced to have a strict zero tolerance
Suggestion Box
Once again, I'm glad to have you here and am looking forward to helping you build your business beyond what you ever thought possible.
To Your Success,
Ann Sieg
Additional Food for thought on a couple of questions found in the knowledge base:
How will I get paid?
There are two options for receiving payment.
You can choose to have your commission checks mailed to you, or you can choose ach payments - which is basically direct deposit.
If you choose to receive physical checks, there will be a $2.00 service fee per check.
Renegade Calculator Says:
If checks are issued at $20 and up and if you had a $20 commission check mailed, the $2 Service Fee is 10% of your $20 commission. Schweet - for the Renegade!
Another one to mull over:
How long does your referral period last?
Our referral period lasts for two years. This means that if you refer someone to our website
and if they make a purchase up to two years later, you will be credited for the sale.
Begs the Question...
Is there a 2 year renewal necessary for web site visitors? Better find out and mark you calendar.
Last but not least:
I’m sending traffic, but there aren’t any reported sales?
Make sure the traffic that you are sending to our website is qualified traffic from reputable sources. Unfortunately just generating traffic doesn’t necessarily guarantee that people are going to purchase.
Hmmm (one of Ann's favorite words, if you can call it a word) …
What happened to the Ann the Renegade's Promise of, "they come to you" concept?"
Leaders Club
Let me reassure everyone. Leaders Club is a Professional Company. Once they heard Ann Seig, Christian and Curt Johnson was sending email to their down lines to have them enroll in another company they were let go from Leaders Club because they didn't follow the Leaders Club contract.
There are bad apples in every bunch. Curt Johnson was an up line to Ann Seig; Ann Seig was the up line to Christian Marquez. We have a list of who is our up line and down line so we can help them.
The Works Team was originally made to help people succeed in their Network Marketing Business. It was to help people in conjunction with Leaders Club.
There was no extra money to join The Works Team. If you were part of Curt Johnson's up line you automatically had access to the Works Team to help you build your business. They would help people build websites to promote themselves first. If they were able to create their own websites it could help them be more productive with any company they are promoting.
The Work's Team also gave more information on the data base system called ACT. That is a system that helps you keep track of leads. It is a very helpful tool no matter what business you are trying to promote.
There are some sponsors that are still learning and the other up lines is there to help us succeed with our businesses.
Leaders Club believes in helping people based on their wants and needs. If someone wants help with medical care and ask us for the information and then we can help them with it
Hope this helps
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