How about this one...
"Succeed At Network Marketing By Burning Your Names List, Ditching The Thursday Night Hotel Meetings And NEVER Paying For Another Opportunity Lead Again" - Ann Sieg (headline from her landing page)
How many Renegade students actually do this?
It's not hard to find out...
Ann's eBook and "system" is all about running your own Google AdWords ads to generate your own leads. Nothing new there - especially since you can learn about 1000 time more from her AdWords Guru Perry Marshall himself - only his book is available for $13 on Amazon.
The "key" as Ann says is to advertise her eBooks and use them to generate leads and even direct sales.
Is anyone actually doing this?
According to Ann, she has over 1000 people a month joining her system. Yet 99% of the ads running on Google are paid for by... (drum role please) Ann Sieg!
The following people provide testimonials on how great her system works...
- Cyndi Williams - Not on AdWords (10/01/2007)
- Michael Lemm - Not on AdWords (10/01/2007)
- Dale Steward - Not on AdWords (10/01/2007)
- Christian Marquez - Not on AdWords (10/01/2007)
- Katherine Nyby - Not on AdWords (10/01/2007)
- Scott Rogers - Not on AdWords (10/01/2007)
- Sherry Higdon - Not on AdWords (10/01/2007)
- McKay Earl - Not on AdWords (10/01/2007)
- Carrie Kearsle - Not on AdWords (10/01/2007)
- Alicia Bausley - Not on AdWords (10/01/2007)
- Nancy Christenson - Not on AdWords (10/01/2007)
- Patricia Kagwiria Makhulo - Not on AdWords (10/01/2007)
- Curt Johnson - Not on AdWords (10/01/2007)
Hmmm... so what's the deal?
The real deal is that Ann wants you to buy leads from her. When you purchase her eBook she sells your name to one of her associates for as much as $5.00. That's why you don't see them advertising her stuff!
One person even told me that they are forced to buy leads from her and that she will stop supporting them if the don't do exactly as she says - including spending thousands on leads.
And the payoff?
Ann's associates are forced to promote "Send Out Cards" to the leads they buy. They are essentially sold into slavery with the promise of easy riches.
Way to go!
All while we verified a post in this bolg from earlier this year...
Ann S. of Minnesota says, “I started implementing what I learned and you know what happened? I started being successful. Wildly successful. In just a little more than a year, I retired my husband from his airport job! And started consistently sponsoring no less than 20 people every month!” About this course she says, “This course How To Turn Cold Leads Into Hot Prospects gives you a start-to-finish 'blueprint' on how to get a pre-qualified lead to ask you for more information about your opportunity... how to automatically increase their interest level before you even talk to them... how you can naturally position yourself as an expert rather than a nuisance... and how to easily guide them to the close without any ridiculous mental 'tricks.'” found on
So there you have it... the truth - or at least something closer to it.
- KW
PS - Look of a new course offered by Ann soon! You heard it here first.